30th - 31st July 2022

Portreath Beach
Portreath , Cornwall


30th - 31st July 2022

Closing Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2022 - 15:00

£20 entry fee includes processing fee of 41p

You can order a race vest at checkout. £12


Individual Age Groups
Minimum Age for the youth events is 12 years of age as at 31st December last year 2021 and Maximum age is 19 years as at 31st December this year 2022

• Youth 13: will reach the age of 13 in the year of the competition
• Youth 14/15: will reach the age of 14 or 15 in the year of competition
• Youth 16/17: will reach the age of 16 or 17 in the year of competition.
• Youth 18/19: will reach the age of 18 or 19 in the year of competition

Pair and Team Age Groups
In all pair and team events a competitor can compete up 1 age group but can only compete in 1 pair and 1 team per event.
The following events will be contested at this year’s Youth Championship

13yrs male / female 1km run, Flags, Sprint, Board, Ski, Surf Race, Ocean Boy/Girl (No Ski)

14/15yrs male / female 1km run, Flags, Sprint, Board, Ski, Surf, Ocean Boy/Girl

16/17yrs male / female 1km run, Flags, Sprint, Board, Ski, Surf, Ocean Boy/Girl
18/19yrs male/female1km run, Flags, Sprint, Board, Ski, Surf, Ocean Boy/Girl

13yr beach relay male/female Maximum 1 team per club 2male/2female
14/15yr beach relay male/female Maximum 1 team per club 2male/2female
16/17yr beach relay male/female Maximum 1 team per club 2male/2female
13/14/15yr Taplin male/female
16/17yr Taplin male/female
18/19yr Taplin male/female
18/19yr ski relay male/female
13/14/15 yr board relay male/female
16/17 yr board relay male/female
18/19 yr board relay male/female

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Individual Age Groups
• Masters 30-39 Will reach the age of 30 and not exceed the age of 39 during this year
• Masters 40-44 Will reach the age of 40 and not exceed the age of 44 during this year
• Masters 45-49 Will reach the age of 45 and not exceed the age of 49 during this year
• Masters 50-59 Will reach the age of 50 and not exceed the age of 59 during this year
• Masters 60+ Will reach the age of 60 in the year of the competition.

The following events will be contested at this year’s Championship

There will also be a Surf Boat event– 3 races Men’s, ladies and Mixed Masters. Crews names to be entered on the Masters entry form, all rowers must be members and qualified by the closing date.

Individual Events
Masters Male/female 1km run, Sprint, Board, Tube, Flags, Ski, Surf Race, Iron Man/Woman
Open Male/female 2km run, Sprint, Board, Tube, Flags, Ski, Surf Race, Iron Man/Woman

Team Events
To note: Mixed teams can take part but would be in the Male open/Male masters competition.

Board relay Open (M/F)/Masters (M/F)
Ski relay Open (M/F)/Masters (M/F)
Taplin relay Open (M/F)/Masters (M/F)

Surf boat 1 Men, 1 female, 1 mixed masters

Beach relay 1 men’s team per club/1 female team per club per category

Pairs Events Masters Pairs
Board rescue male/female Maximum 2 pairs per category, Open (M/F)/Masters (M/F)
Tube rescue Maximum 1 pair per category, Open (M/F)/Masters (M/F)

Double Ski Open (M/F)/Masters (M/F) (max 3 pairs per club)

Competition Numbers
Each competitor must have their 4 digit number (club code plus 2 numbers as determined on the entry form) marked clearly on the back of their right hand at all times. On the back of their left hand, they should have their age group marked. This is essential for the recording process to operate effectively, as the recorders will only record the numbers of the competitor against the placing on their sheets.

Ski and Board Availability
Clubs must ensure that they have sufficient equipment and craft for their entered competitors as some age groups may race together. Events will not be held up awaiting craft retrieval from finishing areas.

Location: Portreath Beach

Perranporth SLSC

Event Organiser Perranporth SLSC
